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The Prescott-Alliant Partnership


Dear Prescott students and families,

Greetings! I am excited to share with you a way in which Prescott's partnership with Alliant Credit Union has further deepened, because of the personal connection with many parents, teachers, and students. I recently had the honor of being invited to address Alliant Credit Union at their annual summit, entitled "Lasting Impressions." Below is an abridged version of the address.

The Prescott-Alliant partnership is unique because it nestles a personalized community in a digital age. It rests on a foundation of shared values that we know both Alliant and Prescott hold dearly. We share values of service, commitment, teamwork, and problem-solving. Enacting our partnership and making it flesh and blood takes people, personalities, and teamwork that overcome obstacles.⇥It's a personalized community in a digital age. The Prescott-Alliant partnership is unique because it nestles a personalized community in a digital age. It rests on a foundation of shared values that we know both Alliant and Prescott hold dearly. We share values of service, commitment, teamwork, and problem-solving. Enacting our partnership and making it flesh and blood takes people, personalities, and teamwork that overcome obstacles.⇥It's a personalized community in a digital age.

What do I mean by this? With Iphones, Ipads, texting, Facebook, and Googledocs, community can be limited to a mesh of zeros and ones. Alliant and Prescott want more than this. We personalize in a number of ways.

Prescott students write and sign thank-you notes for receiving books from the Alliant Credit Union Foundation just before inter-sessions. This is an important value that we want children to project to you throughout the school year. The appreciation is real and it's personal.

Another example of community is the annual Service Day in June in that it brings together Alliant employees and their families with Prescott families and staff to collectively make the school a better place. Alliant employee Janet Meinheit and her daughter and many of you got paint on your clothes with Prescott parents.

There are many more examples-when President Dave Mooney, Jerold Anderson, and Colleen Bjerkness came for Principal for a Day, the financial literacy classes, and the artwork here today gifted from students Erica, Jazzlyn, Alex, and Amari to Alliant.

These examples of community are what the academics in the universities call "social capital." It the networking and trust that comes from the relationships with people on whom you can depend to accomplish goals. To the Alliant Credit Union Foundation and Alliant employees, I want you to know that you contribute to our personalized community when Prescott students, teachers, and families know that you care.

You send a message of care and concern to Prescott when you sponsor a book for a Prescott student at each intersession. Teachers such as Priscilla Lindsey and Kimberly Gow extend to students your message of care and concern by selecting books that are at individual children's reading level and area of interest.You send a message of care and concern to Prescott when you painted a classroom that hasn't been painted in two decades-Teacher Amanda Kirshner is thrilled everyday to have such a cheerful learning space. Parent Jennifer Lister loved the huge, colorful map of the United States some of you and she painted on the playground. Children and staff such as our School Clerk Brenda Daniels feel valued when their place of learning is bright and attractive.
You send a message of care and concern to Prescott when you painted a classroom that hasn't been painted in two decades-Teacher Amanda Kirshner is thrilled everyday to have such a cheerful learning space. Parent Jennifer Lister loved the huge, colorful map of the United States some of you and she painted on the playground. Children and staff such as our School Clerk Brenda Daniels feel valued when their place of learning is bright and attractive.
You send a message of care and concern to Prescott when you painted a classroom that hasn't been painted in two decades-Teacher Amanda Kirshner is thrilled everyday to have such a cheerful learning space. Parent Jennifer Lister loved the huge, colorful map of the United States some of you and she painted on the playground. Children and staff such as our School Clerk Brenda Daniels feel valued when their place of learning is bright and attractive.
You send a message of care and concern to Prescott when you volunteer to teach a financial literacy class.
You send a message of care and concern to Prescott when you hang student artwork that children have made for you today.

In turn, Prescott students and teachers personalize our Prescott-Alliant community.

Teachers, parents, and students are brought together each August in thankfulness for the generous
school supplies that frees parents and the school to invest scant resources to other needs for the children.

Each December, Prescott's Art Teacher Stephanie Katele works with Rob Russell to coordinate student artwork that decorates the jetways for the annual Fantasy Flight with United Airlines. What a tremendous opportunity for Prescott students such as Brandon, Marcus, Teri, and many others to contribute in a special way-their original winter scenes-to a special event!

And again, students write individual thank-you notes for school supplies that Alliant Credit Union has purchased for students each August.

These are ways that Alliant and Prescott have worked together to connect personally and individually. Do we use email and spreadsheets? Sure, these are helpful tools to make the logistics easier. The digital age provides us with many tools for efficiency's sake. Our Alliant-Prescott partnership is a reminder that digital tools free us up to spend more time getting to know each other, our goals, and working together to achieve goals.
On behalf of the Prescott community and students such as Carmelita, Jammah, and Yossi, I feel fortunate that so many individuals from Prescott and Alliant have taken time to imagine and cultivate ways to connect personally. When we create a sense of community in individual personalized ways, our shared goals and values mean more when we accomplish them. The Prescott community has a strong, positive view of Alliant Credit Union, because of the work that you, as individuals, embody. These are the kinds of LASTING IMPRESSIONS on relationships that form the core of our partnership. Thank you for work and commitment to the partnership. I look forward to the teamwork that lies ahead.

Mr. Roche Principal

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