Most Popular
  • High-Rate Savings

    3.10 %APY
    Dividend Period Monthly
    Effective Date 1/3/2025
    Learn More
  • High-Rate Checking

    0.25 %APY
    Dividend Period Monthly
    Effective Date 1/3/2025
    Learn More
  • One Year Certificate

    4.25 %APY
    Term 12-17 months
    Rate 4.169
    Learn More
  • Five Year Certificate

    3.65 %APY
    Term 60 months
    Rate 3.590
    Learn More
Account Type Dividend Period Effective Date APY(%) /
Dividend Rate(%)
High-Rate Checking Monthly 1/3/2025 0.25/0.252
Rates, terms and conditions subject to change
High-Rate Savings
Account Type Dividend Period Effective Date APY(%) /
Dividend Rate(%)
High-Rate Savings Monthly 1/3/2025 3.10/3.061
Rates, terms and conditions subject to change
Certificates Rates
Certificate Type Term APY(%) /
Dividend Rate(%)
Share Certificate 3-month 3.10/3.06 $1,000‒$74,999
Jumbo Share Certificate 3-month 3.10/3.06 $75,000+
Share Certificate 6-month 4.10/4.03 $1,000‒$74,999
Jumbo Share Certificate 6-month 4.10/4.03 $75,000+
Share Certificate 12-month 4.25/4.17 $1,000‒$74,999
Jumbo Share Certificate 12-month 4.30/4.22 $75,000+
Share Certificate 18-month 3.80/3.74 $1,000‒$74,999
Jumbo Share Certificate 18-month 3.85/3.78 $75,000+
Share Certificate 24-month 3.70/3.64 $1,000‒$74,999
Jumbo Share Certificate 24-month 3.80/3.74 $75,000+
Share Certificate 36-month 3.65/3.59 $1,000‒$74,999
Jumbo Share Certificate 36-month 3.75/3.69 $75,000+
Share Certificate 48-month 3.65/3.59 $1,000‒$74,999
Jumbo Share Certificate 48-month 3.70/3.64 $75,000+
Share Certificate 60-month 3.65/3.59 $1,000‒$74,999
Jumbo Share Certificate 60-month 3.70/3.64 $75,000+
IRA Certificate* 3-month 3.10/3.06 $1,000‒$74,999
Jumbo IRA Certificate* 3-month 3.10/3.06 $75,000+
IRA Certificate* 6-month 4.10/4.03 $1,000‒$74,999
Jumbo IRA Certificate* 6-month 4.10/4.03 $75,000+
IRA Certificate* 12-month 4.25/4.17 $1,000‒$74,999
Jumbo IRA Certificate* 12-month 4.30/4.22 $75,000+
IRA Certificate* 18-month 3.80/3.74 $1,000‒$74,999
Jumbo IRA Certificate* 18-month 3.85/3.78 $75,000+
IRA Certificate* 24-month 3.70/3.64 $1,000‒$74,999
Jumbo IRA Certificate* 24-month 3.80/3.74 $75,000+
IRA Certificate* 36-month 3.65/3.59 $1,000‒$74,999
Jumbo IRA Certificate* 36-month 3.75/3.69 $75,000+
IRA Certificate* 48-month 3.65/3.59 $1,000‒$74,999
Jumbo IRA Certificate* 48-month 3.70/3.64 $75,000+
IRA Certificate* 60-month 3.65/3.59 $1,000‒$74,999
Jumbo IRA Certificate* 60-month 3.70/3.64 $75,000+

*Alliant offers 3 types of IRA Certificates: Traditional, Roth, and SEP.

Rates, terms and conditions subject to change
Rates, terms and conditions subject to change
Home Equity
Product Type APR(%)
(as low as)
Max Term
Home Equity Line of Credit Interest Only 7.75 360
Rates, terms and conditions subject to change
Vehicle Loans
Product Type Term
(as low as)
(per $1,000)
New Vehicle Rate 60 5.74 19.21
Used Vehicle Rate 60 6.36 19.50
Recreational Vehicles Rate 120 6.84 11.53
Recreational Vehicles Rate 144 7.34 10.47
Recreational Vehicles Rate 180 7.59 9.32
Recreational Vehicles Rate 240 7.84 8.27
Tesla New Vehicle Rate 60 5.49 19.10
Tesla Used Vehicle Rate 60 5.84 19.26
APY = Annual Percentage Yield
APR = Annual Percentage Rate
  1. Savings, IRA, ESA & mortgage share disclosure
  2. Checking disclosure
  3. Home Loan disclosures (Mortgage, Home Equity Line of Credit)
  4. Certificate disclosure
  5. Auto Loan disclosure
  6. Tesla Loan disclosure
  7. Personal Loan disclosure

The rates advertised by Alliant are not applicable for lease buyout loans offered through our partner Lease Maturity. Please visit Lease Maturity's website ( for more information regarding lease buyouts.

Rates, terms and conditions subject to change
Personal Loans
Product Type Max Term
(as low as)
(per $1,000)
Unsecured Rate 12 8.99 87.45
Unsecured Rate 24 9.99 46.14
Unsecured Rate 48 10.99 25.84
Unsecured Rate 60 11.99 22.24
Rates, terms and conditions subject to change
Credit Cards
Alliant Credit Card Introductory Rate Offer After Introductory Rate Ends
Alliant Visa® Platinum Credit Card Introductory rate as low as 0% APR for 12 months1,2
Alliant Visa® Platinum Rewards Credit Card Introductory rate as low as 0% APR for 12 months1,2
Alliant Cashback Visa® Signature Credit Card 16.49% - 26.49% APR3,4 16.49% - 26.49% APR3,4
Rates, terms and conditions subject to change